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The electric locomotive products developed by our company passed the test of National Railway Product Quality Supervision and Inspection Centre.
  • Release time: 2024-08-06
  • Views: 0

Our company participated in the three-day "The 13th Shanghai International Rail Transit Exhibition 2018" held in Shanghai from 7th to 9th November 2018.

In this exhibition we comprehensively displayed and publicised our company's corporate culture, value concept and quality of production and operation in a variety of forms such as hanging scrolls, flyers, brochures, personnel explanations, etc. We enthusiastically received and answered more than thousands of customer enquiries, and also exchanged valuable experience with many peer friends!


承德市| 淮北市| 宽甸| 和硕县| 连山| 望城县| 花莲市| 通化市| 泊头市| 深圳市| 麻阳| 海宁市| 潢川县| 新竹县| 鲜城| 东兴市| 灌南县| 神木县| 苗栗市| 双桥区| 牟定县| 滦平县| 中江县| 彰化县| 北流市| 哈尔滨市| 钟山县| 临湘市| 重庆市| 开原市| 玉龙| 阿巴嘎旗| 阜城县| 二连浩特市| 招远市| 中牟县| 高碑店市| 亚东县| 扎兰屯市| 海南省| 三江|